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It was a cool winter's morning Somewhere shortly past 9:00 AM The armored car they wanted to heist wasn't coming So instead they went for the bank The fateful duo that sat in the get-away car Heavily sedated with thousands of round Armor piercing, fully automatic weapons The bowls of wrath poured out on the ground [Chorus:] Baptized in a firefight Hot blood running cold as ice 44 minutes of target practice All hell's breaking loose Outgunned, watching "The Force" come to a firefight with a pocketknife Getting schooled until they shot Achilles' heel And brought down the beast!!! [Solo - Chris] This was an accident waiting to happen It wasn't if it would happen, it was when The city's people sabotaged themselves Calling their firepower an unneeded expense The two most violent men it seemed couldn't be stopped Standard police issue guns were just not enough But SWAT arrived to settled the fight Between AK-47 and AR-15


Hits 1207
« This Day We Fight! Endgame Songs 1,320 »
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