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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

Genre Hard Rock
City Edmonton, Alberta
Country Canada
Years active 2010 - Present

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From the sonic frontier of Western Canada comes Killinger, a new band that is surprising many with a fresh new style and sound that is reminiscent of classic 80's hard rock and metal. The band's self-titled debut album, featuring a guest appearance from George Lynch, will be released on August 30th and is available for pre-order at and through other outlets found at Killinger came about when Dave Williams and Kevin Morin (lead vocalist and guitarist respectively) decided to team up to write intensively for an original project in 2008. Previously, Dave was lead vocalist for 80's tribute band Rattpoison, while Kevin played guitar with Bonafide and Face First. Between them, they had supported numerous bands including BuckCherry, Jackyl, State of Shock, Econoline Crush and Vince Neil. "We talked about combining our skills to create a concept" states Kevin. The concept was structured around key elements of 80's rock music that would retain the melody and power which defines the genre and lends it so well to large arena performances. Unlike many new hard rock acts, the project was to feature technical expertise in the musicianship while being accessible. The band was looking for a big sound and "I wanted it to be the biggest I've ever witnessed" says Dave. "The writing process for the album came together very naturally and easily." "It came together so quickly that we needed a producer immediately" says Kevin. Rick Plester, who is with Black Symphony and has worked with guitar legends Michael Schenker and George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob), recorded and produced the debut album. He also appears as a guest guitar soloist. Rick helped get George Lynch as a guest artist and called on powerhouse drummer, Pete Holmes, to play all drums on the debut disk. Pete was a perfect fit for the sound of the band as he had extensive experience with 80's hard rock legends Black 'n Blue as well as with Malice, Monster, Ian Gillan, Ted Nugent, Black Symphony and the Michael Schenker Group. Justin Craig was recruited as bassist and Bill Bourne contributed background vocals to the self-titled Killinger album. The songs caught the attention of legendary mixer/engineer Mike Fraser (AC/DC, Metallica, Aerosmith) and he has brought them to a new level with his talent. In addition, Vision Entertainment (Geoff McLean, Katharine Wilson) produced the video for the first single "Holding On" with director Marc Ricciardelli. The video marks the debut of new drummer Chris Challice who was brought on board since Pete was busy touring with the Michael Schenker Group. Chris had recently been playing with a Motley Crue tribute band based out of Calgary. His true Crue roots, live performance antics and admiration of Tommy Lee made him a natural for Killinger. The chemistry of this band is truly amazing. The huge sound captured on the first Killinger album is a crucial part of the band's live performance. Anyone who has seen the band perform will likely say it was loud. This is the way rock music should be heard. The unique look, persona, energy, stage effects and on-stage antics are all parts of the Killinger live show which is the very best way to experience Killinger. It will be an experience you won't soon forget.

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