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Across the border and down the plains The tiger meets the bear No one is right, no one is wrong Nobody seems to care They fight for power, they fight for lust Spilling their blood on the dust A thousand miles without names Fear remains the same Russian winter, broken pass Cold winds in the dark The goose is loose and kills tonight Full moon burning bright Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life So, the bear and the tiger lost in the snow Tashkent's far away To feel the fire, to save the bear Nothing can stand in his way Five fields of death, it's hard to predict The battle the white emptiness The king on his throne is all alone Will this madness go on Russian winter, broken pass Cold winds in the dark The goose is loose and kills tonight Full moon burning bright Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life Run for your life


Hits 940
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