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You could find a way to ease my passion You listen to the blood flow in my veins You hear the teaching of the wind Tell her why I'm alive within I can't find the words My mind is dead It's better by you better than me Guess you'll have to tell her how I tried To speak up thoughts I've held so inside Tell her now I've got to go Out in the streets and down the shore Tell her the world's not much for living for It's better by you better than me Everybody Everybody knows Everybody Everybody knows Better by you better than me You can tell what I want it to be You can say what I only can see It's better by you better than me Guess I'll have to change my way of living Don't wanna really know the way I feel Guess I'll learn to fight and kill Tell her not to wait until They'll find my blood upon her windowsill It's better by you better than me Everybody Everybody knows Everybody Everybody knows Better by you better than me You can say what I only can see You can tell what I want it to be Better by you better than me It's better by you better than me You can tell what I want it to be Better by you better than me You can say way all they can see


Hits 1125
« Fire Burns Below Stained Class Songs Better By You, Better Than Me (live) »
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