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You're in for surprise You're in for a shock In London town streets When there's darkness and fog When you least expect me And you turn your back I'll attack I smile when I'm sneaking Through shadows by the wall I laugh when I'm creeping But you won't hear me at all All hear my warning Never turn your back On the ripper You'll soon shake with fear Never knowing if I'm near I'm sly and I'm shameless Nocturnal and nameless Except for "The Ripper" Or if you like "Jack The Knife" [SOLO (Glenn)] Any back alley street Is where we'll probably meet Underneath a gas lamp Where the air's cold and damp I'm a nasty surprise I'm a devil in disguise I'm a footstep at night I'm a scream of the fright All hear my warning Never turn your back On the ripper...the ripper....the ripper


Hits 1251
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