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You mesmerize slowly Till I can't believe my eyes Ecstasy controls me What you give just serves me right Without warning you're here Like magic you appear I taste the fear I'm so afraid But I still feed the flame In the night Come to me You know I want your Touch of Evil In the night Please set me free I can't resist a Touch of Evil Aroused with desire You put me in a trance A vision of fire I never had a chance A dark angel of sin Preying deep from within Come take me in I'm so afraid But I still feed the flame In the night Come to me You know I want your Touch of Evil In the night Please set me free I can't resist a Touch of Evil Arousing me now with a sense of desire Possessing my soul till my body's on fire A dark angel of sin Preying deep from within Come take me in I'm so afraid But I still feed the flame You're possessing me


Hits 1429
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