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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Faster than a bullet Terrifying scream Enraged and full of anger He's half man and half machine Rides the Metal Monster Breathing smoke and fire Closing in with vengeance soaring high He is the Painkiller This is the Painkiller Planets devastated Mankind's on its knees A saviour comes from out the skies In answer to their pleas Through boiling clouds of thunder Blasting bolts of steel Evils going under deadly wheels He is the Painkiller This is the Painkiller Faster than a lazer bullet Louder than an atom bomb Chromium plated boiling metal Brighter than a thousand suns Flying high on rapture Stronger free and brave Nevermore encaptured They've been brought back from the grave With mankind resurrected Forever to survive Returns from Armageddon to the skies He is the Painkiller This is the Painkiller Wings of steel Painkiller Deadly wheels Painkiller


Comments (1)

Thursday, 27 September 2012 13:53
A master piece, love the black & white video, total madness
Hits 1562
Painkiller Songs Hell Patrol »
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