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Love is a razor and I walked the line on that silver blade Slept in the dust with his daughter, her eyes red with The slaughter of innocence And I will pray for her I will call her name out loud I would bleed for her If I could only see her now Living on a razor's edge Balancing on a ledge Living on a razor's edge Balancing on a ledge Balancing on a ledge Living on a razor's edge Balancing on a ledge You know, you know The evil that men do lives on and on.....(4x) Circle of fire my baptism of joy at an end it seems The seventh lamb slain, the book of life opens before me And I will pray for you Someday I may return Don't you cry for me Beyond is where I learn Living on a razor's edge Balancing on a ledge Living on a razor's edge You know, you know The evil that men do lives on and on.....(4x) Living on a razor's edge Balancing on a ledge Living on a razor's edge You know, you know The evil that men do lives on and on.....(4x) The evil, the evil, the evil that men do The evil, the evil, the evil that men do


Hits 1213
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