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I have sailed to many lands, now I make my final journey On the bow I stand, west is where I go Through the night I plough, still my heart, calculate and pray As the compass swings, my will is strong, I will not be led astray Mysteries of time clouds that hide the sun But I know, but I know, but I know I see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost As they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost As their skeletons accusing emerge from the sea The sirens of the rocks, they beckon me Take my heart and set it free, carried forward by the waves Nowhere left to run, navigator's son, Chasing rainbows all my days Where I go I do not know, I only know the place I've been Dreams they come and go, ever shall be so, Nothing's real until you feel I steer between the crashing rocks, the sirens call my name Lash my hands onto the helm, blood surging with the strain I will not fail now as sunrise comes the darkness left behind For eternity I follow on there is no other way Mysteries of time clouds that hide the sun But I know, I know I see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost As they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost As their skeletons accusing emerge from the sea The sirens of the rocks, they beckon me Take my heart and set it free, carried forward by the waves Nowhere left to run, Navigator's son Chasing rainbows all my days Where I go I do not know, I only know the place I've been Dreams they come and go, ever shall be so Nothing's real until you feel I see the ghosts of navigators but they are lost As they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost As their skeletons accusing emerge from the sea The sirens of the rocks, they beckon me Take my heart and set it free, carried forward by the waves Nowhere left to run, Navigator's son Chasing rainbows all my days Where I go I do not know, I only know the place I've been Dreams they come and go, ever shall be so Nothing's real until you feel


Hits 1259
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