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No money, no illusions Just need a rock n' roll transfusion You're the one, you get me high When times are tough you always get me by Just wanna say, thanks alot You'll always be the best freinds we've got So here's to you, I'll raise me glass Gonna raise hell, gonna kick some ass You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you You Keep Me Rockin' Ain't that the truth You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you, you're the one You keep me rockin' all night long Sometimes it's so hard My body's weiry and my soul feels gone I see your face and then I know Ain't gonna stop until I give some more You give me strength to carry on So here's to you now here's your song Gonna rock, what time for you? Cause you're the one that always pulls me through You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you You Keep Me Rockin' Ain't that the truth You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you, you're the one You keep me rockin' all night long You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you You Keep Me Rockin' Ain't that the truth You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you, you're the one You keep me rockin' all night long You keep me You keep me You keep me You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you You Keep Me Rockin' Ain't that the truth You Keep Me Rockin' Yeah you You Keep Me Rockin'


Hits 973
« Six Strings, Nine Lives Walkin' The Razor's Edge Songs
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Time Left: 04:17

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