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[Melody Solo Kai] [Insania 20 14] We'we thrown away our former gods Controlling our day We have created better ones So we control the way We are the ones with the power To hold down the enemy Our gods are perfection And they are protecting our lives We still need some more of them To be safe from the other side As long as we're stronger Nothing will happen to us Fireflash in the night Just an evil dream Holy war in the sky... never [Insania 20 16] Error in store 103 We watch the sun at night The pretty gods we're built ourselves Now terminate our lives Silicone brain powered voices Are crying "attack" tonight Our gods are now fighting In anger, burning our world Doomsday has come And there is no place to hide away The future is over And there is no turning back Fireflash in the night Now reality Holy war in the sky..... [chorus] Twilight of the gods Insania's dead and gone Another world was born But the twilight soon will come [Solo] [Mike / Harmony both / Kai] Fireflash in the night Now reality Holy war in the sky..... [Chorus]


Comments (1)

Thursday, 16 May 2013 04:23
fun rockin song!
Hits 1433
« A Little Time Keeper Of The Seven Key, Part 1 Songs A Tale That Wasn't Right »
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