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If you're out there all alone And you don't know where to go to Come and take a trip with me To future world And if you're running through your life And you don't know what the sense is Come and look how it could be In future world We all live in happiness Our life is full of joy We say the world "tomorrow" without fear The feeling of togetherness Is always at our side We love our life and we know we will stay Cause we all live in future world A world that's full of love Our future life will be glorious Come with me - future world You say you'd like to stay But this is not your time Go back, find your own way To future world Life can be for living Just try and never give in Tell everyone the way of future world One day you'll live in happiness With a heart that's full of joy You'll say the world "tomorrow" Without fear The feeling of togetherness Will I be at your side You'll say you love your life And you'll know why Cause we all live in future world A world that's full of love Our future life will be glorious Come with me - future world Scream it out Cause we all live in future world A world that's full of love Our future life will be glorious Come with me - future world


Hits 1104
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