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Free me from this restless curse That follows me through the dark Bring back an innocence A strength to fill my heart In this world of emptiness That I have come to know Love is only a lie, only a lie, only a lie Love is only a lie, only a lie, only a lie When the promise is broken When your eyes open Then the wind whispers and sighs Love is a lie My bird of paradise Coloured in blues and gold She's got a soul on ice And calculation cold This bird of avarice Has left me now I know Love is only a lie, only a lie, only a lie Love is only a lie, only a lie, only a lie When the promise is broken When your eyes open Then the wind whispers and sighs Love is a lie So breathe a last and broken sigh Oh silent night come now to me And if I dream of light Come down and be with me And in the dark we will not see Love is only a lie, only a lie, only a lie Love is only a lie, only a lie, only a lie When the promise is broken When your eyes open Then the wind whispers and sighs Love is a lie Only a lie


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