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Dead on Arrival I'll tell you a tale, of someone I know Now he's gone, there's nothing to show Made the headlines, for that one time The burst of shadow, and on it's way it died. Dead on Arrival, there's no hope in hell Dead on Arrival, how can they tell Dead on Arrival, ain't it a shame Dead on Arrival, we'll never be the same Live your life to the full, never see shame, Speeding on that motor, when your inside a game, Dead in an instant, watch out real good, Bleeding everything, ain't gonna look good. Dead on Arrival, there's no hope in hell Dead on Arrival, how can they tell Dead on Arrival, ain't it a shame Dead on Arrival, we'll never be the same Dead on Arrival, D.O.A. Dead on Arrival, there's no hope in hell Dead on Arrival, how can they tell Dead on Arrival, ain't it a shame Dead on Arrival, we'll never be the same So I pick up the paper, read it once more I turn all white again, I guess I was making sure So in tears it lies, I look to the skies I'm standing at the grave site, to say my last good-byes. Dead on Arrival, there's no hope in hell Dead on Arrival, how can they tell Dead on Arrival, ain't it a shame Dead on Arrival, we'll never be the same Dead on Arrival, there's no hope in hell Dead on Arrival, how can they tell Dead on Arrival, ain't it a shame Dead on Arrival, D.O.A.


Comments (1)

Saturday, 15 October 2022 13:29
woefully underrated
Hits 1213
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