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Oh baby, pretty baby Oh honey, you let me down honey I ain't playin' childhood games no more I said it's time for me to even the score So stake your claim, your claim to fame But baby call another neme When you feel the fire, and taste the flame Back off, back off bitch Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch You better back off, back off bitch Face of an angel with the love of a witch Back off, back off bitch Back off, back off bitch Makin' love Cheap heartbreaker, broken backed, Nasty ballbreaker, stay out of my bed, outta my head If it's lovin' you, I'm better off dead Back off, back off bitch Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch You better back off, back off bitch Face of an angel with the love of a witch Back off, back off bitch Back off, back off bitch Emotions ripped, gone on a binge Life lipped, I said you're off the hinge Tellin' lies of such fame and glory I don't even wanna hear your story Back off, back off bitch Down in the gutter dyin' in the ditch You better back off, back off bitch Face of an angel with the love of a witch Back off, back off bitch It's such a pity that you're such a bitch Back off, back off bitch It's time to burn-burn the witch Back off, back off bitch Back off, back off bitch Back off, back off bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Hey wha'd'ya think he's tryin' to say there, anyway? I think it's something each person's s'posed to take in their own special way Fucking bitch


Comments (2)

Sunday, 27 November 2011 00:48
Yeah biatch! LOL
Sunday, 27 November 2011 00:52
Found an old youtube video from 1986. Never seen it before. Hope it'll get added. A piece of history there.
Hits 1537
« Bad Obsession Use Your Illusion I Songs Double Talkin' Jive »
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