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On a bench with a cigarette Sunday clothes and some old regrets I can't go back inside, not yet I watched that boy give his life away To a girl in white with a heart of clay She won't always want what she wants today And I know how this goes I recognize the untamed eyes She'll outgrow the simple life He can't be taught, he can't be told He'll have to find out on his own I know how it is to try to give Enough to make somebody change Cuz I made the same mistake Not long after the honeymoon Plans he has will start falling through And she'll spend most of her time in her room Nights get long and the words get short He'll think less and drink a little more And the TV and the couch keep him warm And slowly hope will die I recognize the untamed eyes She'll outgrow the simple life He can't be taught, he can't be told He'll have to find out on his own I know how it is to try to give Enough to make somebody change Cuz I made the same mistake He's blind like I was But like father like son I recognize the untamed eyes She'll outgrow the simple life He can't be taught, he can't be told He'll have to find out on his own I know how it is to try to give Enough to make somebody change Cuz I made the same mistake


Hits 2172
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