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Can you feel my hunger burning - burning out of control. Devil needs that feed the fire - bearing down on my soul. What I see I can't be dreaming - bodies lost in the flames. Don't you ever try and wake me - I gotta get into this game. And you know I live for my fantasies, Be together everyway... Midnight love - holdin' on to you in the hot night Midnight love - you're so far away Midnight love - searchin' for a break in the moonlight Midnight love - so far away Can you feel my head is pounding, my heart can never be slowed. Can you see the lust inside me, beggin' for your control. Gotta touch your sweet seduction, more and more everyday. Waiting just for midnight, so that I can take you away... And you know we live for our fantasies, Be together everyway... Midnight love - holdin' on to you in the hot night Midnight love - you're so far away Midnight love - searchin' for a break in the moonlight Midnight love - so far away... [Guitar solo] Midnight love - holdin' on to you in the hot night Midnight love - you're so far away Midnight love - searchin' for a break in the moonlight Midnight love - so far away... [Outro solo] Midnight love - yeah - Midnight love - so far away [3x] Midnight love [3x]


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