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So you wanna come up on me Chest out up on both feet Puffed up, look down your nose Attitude up on your tip toes Hope you know how it's gonna be Blood and knuckles out in the street Come at me like a drunk in a bar You must like the taste of road tar Woah the end of you Woah the end of you I will kick your ass You cryin' pussy I will kick your ass You fuckin' sally girl Run home cry to mama Don't come back here again Go home and wash your skirt And paint your nails And face like you've been I can't stand you Can't even look at you Don't wanna hear you cry I just can't deal with fragile little boys I'd rather see you die So you sneak up from behind A cheap shot like I was blind You better make it the shot of the year And when I get up don't you be here There's no place you can hide So you better keep runnin' Dress up like the girl you are And hide out in the ladies stall Run home cry to mama Don't come back here again Go home and wash your skirt And paint your nails And face like you've been I can't stand you Can't even look at you Don't wanna hear you cry I just can't deal with fragile little boys I'd rather see you die I will kick your ass You cryin' pussy I will kick your ass You fuckin' sally girl Run home cry to mama Don't come back here again Go home and wash your skirt And paint your nails And face like you've been I can't stand you Can't even look at you Don't wanna hear you cry I just can't deal with fragile little boys I'd rather see you die


Hits 1163
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