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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


You're headed for the spotlight, I know you can go far You can do anything just follow your heart Just set the wheels in motion, hold tight and stake your claim Make sure that they will all remember your name Can't you feel it? Comin' on, just let go Can't you see that you're about to steal the show [Chorus:] (Oh) You're the overnight sensation You can be a star Overnight sensation No matter who you are The stage is ready for you, can't wait another day There is no limit you can take it all the way Just take your chance forever, and make your dreams come true You know it's now or never, it's up to you Can't you feel it? Comin' on, just let go Can't you see that you're about to steal the show [Chorus]


Hits 1281
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