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Into a place of darkness He was born to live alone He's got one big desire One day he'd get the crown Hey, Devil come on help me now Be the one to pull my strings Let me be your slave to serve you To let me be the king [Bridge] Just give me a sign Take on my mind and let me stay blind A victim of life too weak to be king [Chorus] Out of control! My life is a chamber of tears, fear and hate Out of control! Help me to gain the crown, here is my fate Wherever I may roam There will be hate and pain Eye for eye, tooth for tooth Respect is what I gain I look up to Mr Crowley. Evil powers now unite! I will be your darkest nightmare My life is a fatal fight [Bridge] [Chorus] [Solo] Listen up my friend you just cry for a hand But you only pretend that you're bad Now! We'll take on my mind... [Chorus] Out of control! My life is a chamber of tears, fear and hate Out of control! Help me to gain the crown...


Hits 884
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Time Left: 02:52

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