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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


We're a ship without a storm the cold without the warm light inside the darkness that it needs yeah We're a laugh without a tear the hope without the fear we are coming home We're off to the witch we may never never never come home but the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime We're all born upon the cross the throw before the toss you can release yourself but the only way is down We don't come alone we are fire we are stone we're the hand that writes then quickly moves away We'll know for the first time if we're evil or divine we're the last in line yeah we're the last in line Two eyes from the east it's the angel or the beast and the answer lies between the good and bad We search for the truth we could die upon the tooth but the thrill of just the chase is worth the pain We'll know for the first time if we're evil or divine we're the last in line yeah we're the last in line oh oh oh Yeah we're off to the witch we may never never never come home but the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime We're all born upon the cross you know we'rethe throw before the toss You can release yourself but the only way you go is down We'll know for the first time if we're evil or divine we're the last in line oh oh we're the last in line See all we shine we're the last in we're the last in we're the last in we're the last in We're the last in we're the last line oh oh ooh oh We're the ship without the storm we're the cold inside the warm We're the last without a tear we're the throw without the meal We're the last in line we're the last in line We're the last in line see how we shine we're the last in line


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« We Rock The Last in Line Songs Breathless »
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