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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


It was starting to rain On the night that they first decided It was blinding with snow On the night that they ran away They were found in the dark But they never returned Just like somebody slammed the door Bang ! Yeah ! She was meant to be wild He was merely a child But they only could feel each other They were paper and fire Angel and liar The devil of one another Then they were thrown to the ground With a terrible sound Just like somebody broke her heart Rock 'N' Roll Children Alone again Rock 'N' Roll Children Without a friend But they got Rock 'N' Roll (solo) Yeeeeeeeeeeah ! It was starting to rain On the night that they cried forever Oh ! it was blinding with snow On the night that they screamed goodbye They were lost in the dark And they never returned Just like somebody slammed the door Our Rock 'N' Roll Children Alone again Rock 'N' Roll Children Without a friend Poor Rock 'N Roll Children Caught up in the spinning wheel Poor Rock 'N' Roll Children Alone again It was starting to rain On the night that they ran It was blinding with snow On the night we let them go Poor Rock 'N' Roll Children oooo...Children Rock 'N' Roll Children Children of the night Poor Rock 'N' Roll Children Poor children lost the souls Rock 'N' Roll Children oooo... Poor Rock 'N' Roll Children


Ronnie James Dio


Hits 1519
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Flotsam & Jetsam
The Cold
Time Left: 04:15

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