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Don't talk to strangers Cause they're only there to do you harm Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real Don't hide in doorways You may find the key that opens up your soul Don't go to Heaven cause it's really only Hell Don't smell the flowers They're an evil drug to make you loose your mind Don't dream of women 'Cause they'll only bring you down Hey you, you know me, you've touched me, I'm real I'm forever the one that lets you look and see and Feel me I'm danger, I'm the stranger And I, I'm darkness, I'm anger, I'm pain I am master, the evil song you sing inside your brain Drive you insane Don't talk, don't let 'em inside your mind Run away, run away, girl No, no, no don't let them in your mind Protect your soul Don't dance in darkness You may stumble and you're sure to fall Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real Don't talk to strangers 'Cause they're only there to make you sad Don't dream of women 'Cause they'll only bring you down


Hits 1388
« Caught in the Middle Holy Diver Songs Shame on the Night (King Biscuit Flower Hour 30th October 1983) (Bonus Track) »
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