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Hold onto your hat, hold onto your heart Ready, get set to tear this place apart Don't need a ticket, only place in town That'll take you up to heaven and never bring you down Anything goes! Anything goes! Women to the left, Women to the right There to entertain and take you thru the night So grab a little heat and come along with me 'Cause your mama don't mind what your mama don't see Anything goes! Anything goes! Rock! Rock! till you drop Rock! Rock! never stop Rock! Rock! till you drop I say Rock! Rock! to the top Ridin' into danger, laughin' all the way Fast, free and easy, livin' for today Gotta lip service, get it while you can Hot, sweat 'n' nervous love on demand Anything goes! Anything goes! Rock! Rock! Give it to me It's what I got goin' thru' me Don't ever stop do it to me Yeah, Rock! Rock! You really move me Hold on, hold on, hold tight We're gonna rock tonight Too loud man, too loud


Comments (1)

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 13:02
Quintessential cut that plays in everyone's soundtrack from that era. A memory trigger of crankin it up arena style!!! 10*
Hits 1615
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