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Revvin' up, hundred 'n' four Hammer down, foot to the floor Such a hard ride Ride into the sun Shootin' in Got a ticket to ride Movin' out This is no place to hide When you're ridin' Ride into the sun We gonna make it baby So step inside And if we make it baby We're gonna ride into the sun Just ride into the sun Burn it up We're gonna cruise Kick down Nothin' to lose When you're ridin' Ride into the sun A hot shot Hooked on the street I'm in love Got the fire in me When I'm ridin' Ride into the sun We gonna make it baby So step inside And if we make it baby We're gonna ride Ride on! We gonna make it baby So step inside And if we make it baby Ya know we're gonna Ride Ride into the sun Yeah Ride into the sun Just ride into the sun Yeah Hey!


Hits 907
Hysteria (single) Songs Love And Affection (Live) »
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Yngwie Malmsteen
Yngwie Malmsteen
The Yngwie Malmsteen Coll...
Time Left: 06:16

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