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Out of touch, out of reach yeah You could try to get closer to me I'm in luck, I'm in deep, yeah Hypnotized, I'm shakin' to my knees I gotta know tonight If you're alone tonight Can't stop this feeling Can't stop this fire Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria Oh can you feel it, do you believe it? It's such a magical mysteria When you get that feelin', better start believin' 'Cos it's a miracle, oh say you will, ooh babe Hysteria when you're near Out of me, into you yeah You could hide it's just a one way street Oh, I believe I'm in you, yeah Open wide, that's right, dream me off my feet Oh, believe in me I gotta know tonight If you're alone tonight Can't stop this feeling Can't stop this fire Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria Oh can you feel it, do you believe it? It's such a magical mysteria When you get that feelin', better start believin' 'Cos it's a miracle, oh say you will Ooh babe Hysteria when you're near Come on


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