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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Ah ah Ooh ooh Ah ah Ooh ooh White lights, strange city, mad music all around Midnight street magic (ah) crazy people crazy sound Ah ah Ooh ooh Jack Flash, rocket man, Sergeant Pepper and the band Ziggy, Benny and the Jets, take a rocket We just gotta fly I can take you thru the center of the dark We're gonna fly On a collision course to crash into my heart I will be your, I will be your, I'll be your Rocket yeah satellite of love Rocket yeah satellite of love Rocket yeah satellite of love Rocket baby! C'mon, I'll be your satellite of love Ooh ooh Ah ah Ooh ooh Ah ah Spotlight magnetic razor rhythm laser love Guitar, drums, load up, stun! Ah ah Ooh ooh Jet Black, Johnny B ,Gene Jeanie, Killer Queen Dizzy Lizzy Major Tom so c'mon We just gotta fly Rocket baby! C'mon, we're gonna fly Oooh Countdown one Five, four, three, two, one, zero...we have liftoff We just gotta fly Rocket, baby, guitar, drums, light up We're gonna fly, rocket yeah Satellite of love, we're gonna fly Rocket yeah, satellite of love Rocket yeah!


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