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Yeah, huh huh huh Say you thought I was gonna be Someone more like you, someone less like me So you fight every step I'd take Try to second guess every move I make Tell me what did I say Won'tcha tell me what did I do That makes you hate me like you do You gone bad, the preacher told me You gone bad, I heard him say Well, how would he know anyway, yeah, yeah You gone bad So I'm bad, cut off from the rest So I walk alone, everything you detest Why should I play the games you play Should I worry 'bout all the things people say Tell me why should I care Won't you tell me what should I prove That I'm just as feeble and lost as you? You gone bad, the teacher told me You gone bad, I heard her say How would she know anyway, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah You gone bad, bad, bad, bad, ow Solo Ow, ow, oh, oh, oh, ooh, yeah So tell me what did I say Won'tcha tell me what did I do To get you to hate me like you do You gone bad, the sheriff told me You gone bad, I heard him say Well, how would he know anyway, yeah, yeah You gone bad, the people told me You gone bad, I heard 'em say Well, how would they know anyway, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah You gone bad, bad, bad, bad, oh, oh, oh You gone bad


Hits 862
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