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Lost in the sky Clouds roll by and I roll with them Arrows fly Seas increase and then fall again This world is spinning around me This world is spinning without me Every day sends future to past Every breath leaves one less to my last Watch the sparrow falling Gives new meaning to it all If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day I'll take seven lives for one And then my only father's son As sure as I ever did love him I am not afraid This world is spinning around me The whole world keeps spinning around me All life is future to past Every breath leaves me one less to my last Pull me under Pull me under Pull me under I'm not afraid All that I feel is honor and spite All I can do is to set it right Dust fills my eyes Clouds roll by and I roll with them Centuries cry Orders fly and I fall again This world is spinning inside me The whole world is spinning inside of me Every day sends future to past Every step brings me closer to my last Pull me under Pull me under Pull me under I'm not afraid Living my life too much in the sun Only until your will is done 'Oh that this tootoo solid flesh would melt.'


Hits 1734
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