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When they put you to the test that's meant for you to fail you've been stukk oh god for ages... eventually you see the light they made you struggle for and oh oh oh, yeah yeah yeah they break you down with... there ain't no playing just working all day so belive me when I say this... they line you up, they knock yo down you're forced to feed 'em day n' nite now is that how you want it...NO!!! what ya gonna do about it... well line 'em up and knock 'em down coz you got balls and that's no crime if you really don't like it just show 'em you strike it back the boss is screamin' shapen up and do yer fukkin' job you're sucha mess oh god you're wasted... ntil you straight the flush you'll be straight next the line oh oh oh, no no no, you can't take that...


Hits 1652
Rest in Sleaze Songs Riot in Everyone »
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