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One heart one other They met last summer One move she started Now they love this way The pain of pleasure Lying together Youre at their mercy As the telephone ringing on No one said thered be nights like this Risk your life for a stolen kiss Chorus: We live, we learn, we lie For the price of love We kiss then say goodbye For the price of love We live, we learn, we lie For the price of love We kiss then say goodbye For the price of love Each move goes so slow Until the doors close No secret codes now No words as baby goes down One last dance then goodbye Practicing his love lies He runs to his wife And your left holding the knife You live your life to take that chance When your a master of the art of romance And you know you wont cross that line Until that last slow dance Chorus Alone our lonely hearts would die. Its all in the game And the way that its played Theres no time to wonder why To catch you when you fall Answer when you call No one can hear you cry Chorus


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