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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


You walk this earth without a heart You tear the innocent's souls apart You shovel your conscience into the grave You walk this earth without a heart Your uniform couldn't be taken off A tattoo burned into your flesh Your mind, your voice These are your instruments of death How could you dare to be so bold You only did as you were told Marionettes dancing in time To the apologetic lines For all the monsters of our time Who is evil, who is blind? In the name of who you'll find, A city of souls dying for peace Welcome to the belly of the beast One mind, one voice Welcome to the belly of the beast Who hears, your voice? Millions, never, never again Madness, never, never again Martyrs, dead that can't die Monsters Insanity, the normal state The left hand a hammer, the right the stake Driven so deep into the heart It's killing love, it's killing faith It's killing 'cause it's from the heart What better way to demoralize When your own children are your spies The things you trust are not the same Trust in grief, trust in death Trust in hope is trust in pain Who is evil, who is blind? In the name of who you'll find, You're not supposed to question faith But how do you accept this fate? Millions, you walk this earth without a heart Madness, tear the innocent's souls apart Martyrs, shovel your conscience into the grave Monsters


Hits 1527
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