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Out I started, late tonight Blinded by the light Strangest feelin' I have known Don't know what's wrong or right See the people, clubs and bars Streetlife passin' by, yeah Screamin' engine, burnin' gas I'm on overdrive Danger, danger, save your soul The finger's writin' on the wall Where you are the angels are blind Midnight and I cruise along the highway Midnight and I'm all right on the highway Midnight sky is bright and clear New moon on the right All at once, risin' haze The freeway is my life I'm on a high, spacin' out Where I'm goin' I don't care Can't you see, this is me I'm an indestructible boy Danger, danger, save your soul The finger's writin' on the wall Where you are the angels are blind Midnight and I cruise along the highway Midnight and I'm all right on the highway I'm all right Midnight and I cruise along the highway Midnight and I'm all right on the highway Midnight and I cruise along the highway Midnight, on a never ending highway


Udo Dirkschneider, Wolf Hoffmann, Jörg Fischer, Peter Baltes, Stefan Kaufmann


Hits 1202
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