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One day, in the year of the fox Came a time remembered well, When the strong young man of the rising sun Heard the tolling of the great black bell. One day in the year of the fox, When the bell began to ring, It meant the time had come for one to go To the temple of the king. There in the middle of the circle he stands, Searching, seeking. With just one touch of his trembling hand, The answer will be found. Daylight waits while the old man sings, Heaven help me! And then like the rush of a thousand wings, It shines upon the one. And the day has just begun. [ Lyrics from: ] One day in the year of the fox Came a time remembered well, When the strong young man of the rising sun Heard the tolling of the great black bell. One day in the year of the fox, When the bell began to sing It meant the time had come for the one to go To the temple of the king. There in the middle of the people he stands, Seeing, feeling. With just a wave of the strong right hand, he's gone To the temple of the king. Far from the circle, at the edge of the world, He's hoping, wondering. Thinking back on the stories he's heard of What he's going to see. There, in the middle of a circle it lies. Heaven help me! Then all could see by the shine in his eyes The answer had been found. Back with the people in the circle he stands, Giving, feeling. With just one touch of a strong right hand, they know Of the temple and the king.


Ritchie Blackmore/Ronnie James Dio


Hits 817
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