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Outta my way I'm a-runnin' high Take your chance with me and ya give it a try Ain't no woman in the world I know Cause I'm just looking for woman to go Baby I ain't got much Resistance to your touch Take off the high heels and let down your hair Paradise ain't far from there I'm gonna walk all over you I'm gonna walk all over you Do anything you want me to I'm gonna walk all over you Reflections on the bedroom wall And man you thought you'd seen it all We're risin', fallin' like the sea You're lookin' so good under me I'm gonna walk all over you I'm gonna walk all over you Do anything you want me to I'm gonna walk all over you Moanin' groanin' stereo Said gimme the stage I'm gonna steal the show Leave on the lace and turn off the light Tonight is gonna be the night I'm gonna walk all over you I'm gonna walk all over you Do anything you want me to I'm gonna walk all over you I'm gonna walk all over you


Hits 2074
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