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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Living easy, lovin' free Season ticket on a one-way ride Asking nothing, leave me be Taking everything in my stride Don't need reason, don't need rhyme Ain't nothing I would rather do Goin' down, party time My friends are gonna be there too I'm on a highway to hell on the highway to hell highway to hell i'm on a highway to hell No stop signs, speed limit Nobody's gonna slow me down Like a wheel, gonna spin it Nobody's gonna mess me 'round Hey Satan, payed my dues Playing in a rocking band Hey Momma, just look at me! I'm on my way to the promised land I'm on a highway to hell highway to hell i'm on a highway to hell highway to hell hmmm... Don't stop me! yeah, yeah! i'm on a highway to hell on a highway to hell i'm on a highway hell on a highway to... yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah! (highway to hell) (highway to hell) I'm on a highway to hell! (highway to hell) highway to hell! (highway to hell) highway to... (highway to hell) And I'm going down, all the way down I'm on a highway to hell


Hits 1979
Highway To Hell Songs Girls Got Rhythm »
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