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THE JACK (1975) (Young, Young, Scott) She gave me the Queen She gave me the King She was wheelin' and dealin' Just doin' her thing She was holdin' a pair But I had to try Her Deuce was wild But my Ace was high But how was I to know That she'd been dealt with before Said she'd never had a Full House But I should have known From the tattoo on her left leg And the garter on her right She'd have the card to bring me down If she played it right She's got the Jack Poker face was her name Poker face was her nature Poker straight was her game If she knew she could get you She play'd 'em fast She play'd 'em hard She could close her eyes And feel every card But how was I to know That she'd been shuffled before Said she'd never had a Royal Flush But I should have known That all the cards were comin' From the bottom of the pack And if I'd known what she was dealin' out I'd have dealt it back She's got the Jack


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