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LITTLE LOVER (1974) (Young, Young, Scott) Saw you in the front row Movin' to the beat (Just movin' and groovin') Killed me when I saw The wet patch on your seat (Wasn't Coca Cola) Ooo baby I hope you liked the show When the band said good night I had to say hello CHORUS: Little lover, I can't get you off my mind Little lover, I've tried hard to find Someone like you Ooo baby you sure looked sweet (Cruisin') A leg either side of my motorcycle seat (oozin') Could've bin a nightmar Could've bin a dream But on the way home, baby I thought I heard you scream Little lover, I can't get you off my mind Little Lover, I've been trying hard to find someone to give me the things that I need, ow! You had my picture on your bedroom wall (Next to Gary Glitter) I was standin' on the stage playing rock & roll (I was a guitar picker) Never had a record Never had a hit Ooo baby You didn't mind a bit CHORUS Baby I know you're a Little lover


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