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DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP (1976) (Young, Young, Scott) If your havin' trouble with your high school head He's givin' you the blues You wanna graduate but not in 'is bed Here's what you gotta do - Pick up the phone I'm here alone Call me any time 36 24 36 (slaver) I lead a life of crime Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap repeat repeat repeat Your havin' problems in your life of love You got a broken heart He's double dealin' with your best friend That's when the teardrops start - Pick up the phone I'm here alone Or make a social call Come right in Forget about him We'll have ourselves a ball Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap repeat repeat repeat If you got a lady but you want her gone But you ain't got the guts She keeps naggin' you night and day Enough to drive you nuts - Pick up the phone Leave her alone It's time you made a stand For a fee I'll be happy to be Your back door man Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap repeat repeat repeat Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT Done Dirt Cheap Neckties, contracts, high voltage Done Dirt Cheap


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