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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

Genre Christian Rock and Metal
City Austin/Cedar Park, TX
Country USA
Years active 1984 - 1987

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Stryken were a campy but fun Christian hard rock band who sound like a cross between Twisted Sister and Queen. In addition to their preachy lyrics, they even wore their own "Armor Of God" and protested other bands they deemed evil. Stryken's history actually goes back to the late 70s when they were called Stryker, after the last name of singer/guitarists Dale and Stephen Streiker. However, they changed their name in 1984 to avoid comparisons to Stryper who were gaining popularity at the time. In the end, it didn't matter because they remained in obscurity until breaking up after releasing just one LP and a 12" single. Both the LP and the single's exclusive B-side were reissued on CD with bonus demo tracks from their Stryker days.

- Keir

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